"If all art is a progression of us then and now, we're just glad we're along for the ride with AirLands."
"Sophisticated Art Pop...it will please Peter Gabriel fans from the So years."
"Wandering territory that could equally house XTC, Snow Patrol, My Bloody Valentine and Peter Gabriel, AirLands' frontman Kevin Calaba charismatically drives the ponderous arrangements..."
"Essential up and coming artists..."
"What it would sound like if 1980's Peter Gabriel got together with modern-day Bon Iver."
“Sounding like an astronaut who knows he’ll never make it home, singer Kevin Calaba tells us what he sees, but never how he feels, his voice dreamy and disembodied, hardly comforted by swirling guitar leads.
"Like a maestro leading a symphony, he seems to inherently know how and where to inflect his timbre and how to command complete control. It doesn't hurt that the song's sweeping movements are graceful and lush and that the inspiring guitar lines are propulsive and powerful."
"A little bit poppy, a little bit electronic, a little bit dreamy. All together amazing."
- NY Post's Best Songs to Download Movies of Antarctica #185
"...the results are quite stunning, as Centuries Before Love and War, a follow-up to their self-produced debut EP, You Came Here for Sunset Last Year, proves. What hasn't changed is the Stars' glimmering, gloomy, shimmering, shambling style, but the electronics allow them to vastly expand their musical palette, add a plethora of shadings and textures to their songs, and evoke rock's rich past."
- Jo-Ann Greene, All Music Guide / Billboard Magazine
" an Explosions in the Sky-plus-vocals-style rocker with an epic build and breathy, almost frighteningly earnest vocals."
" the record seethes with longing and sadness, with melancholy electronic beats backing Kevin Calaba’s soaring vocals."
"The crestfallen vocals of singer Kevin Calaba backed by lonely synths and hushed electronica conflate into one big murky sparkle, giving the album a dark and stirring sheen."
"a pop slant that ensconces the listener in velveteen harmonies. Confident an charismatic, we eagerly anticipate a full-length release...)
Fifth best release of the year Three Imaginary Girls
"Calaba's voice, naturally rich with sympathy and vulnerability, perfectly befitted the bare bones sound their live show offered..."
"This is music to be borne back ceaselessly by." ~Stylus